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Трофеи на игру Little Big Planet
В игре 48 трофеев Бронза - 36, Серебро - 8, Золото - 3, Платина -1

The Gardens - Проити все уровни в The Gardens
The Savannah - Проити все уровни в The Savannah
The Wedding - Проити все уровни в The Wedding
The Canyon - Проити все уровни в The Canyon
The Metropolis - Проити все уровни в The Metropolis
The Islands - Проити все уровни в The Islands
The Temples - Проити все уровни в The Temples
Expert Creator - Проити все уровни в Обучении
Artist - Поставить стикер
Homemaker - Поставить 10 стикеров или декораций в вашем Pod
Fashion Sense - Выбирите костюм для вашего персонажа в котором 1 предмет на голове, на теле и материал
Forager - Соберите 25% призовых пузырьков в компании
Sticky Fingers - Соберите 50% призовых пузырьков в компании
Treasure Hunter - Соберите 70% призовых пузырьков в компании
2X Multiplier! - Получить умножение на 2
8X Multiplier! - Получить умножение на 8
Incredible Speed! - Travel at incredible speed
Incredible Height! - Travel to an incredible height
Friendly - Проити уровень не меньше чем в 2 игроков ко-опе
Party Person - Complete a level online with 3 other players who are on your friends list
Socialite - Complete a level online with 3 other players who are not on your friends list
Top of the Class - Выйграть игру 4 игроков
Traveler - Complete a community level
FIRST! - Be among the first 10 people to complete a community level
Opinionated - Tag a community level
Neighborhood - Watch Heart 5 community levels
Networking - Heart 3 authors
Talkative - Post a comment on a community level
Creator - Build and save a level with the thermometer more than 30% full
Team Creator - Build and save a level with more than one player with the thermometer more than 30% full
Publisher - Publish a level
Look What I Made! - A level you published was played by 5 or more people

Just Beginning - Complete all the main path story levels
20X Multiplier! - Get a 20X Multiplier
Hi Score - Collect 1,000,000 points over all levels you have played
Booty Master - Collect all the prize bubbles on the story levels
Dr Frankenstein - Create a living creature with at least 2 eyes, 2 legs or wheels, and a brain
Crowd Pleaser - A level you published was played by 50 or more people
Feel the Love - A level you published was hearted by 10 or more people
Celebrity - You were hearted by 5 or more people as a player

Play - Complete all story levels without dying, with the exception of those levels that only end when you die
Create - A level you published was hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people
Share - Play 150 community levels, tag 50 community levels and heart 10 community levels

Получить все трофеи в игре

Секретные Трофеи

Trendsetter - Place a sticker or a decoration on another player's sackperson (Bronze)
Cranium Collector - Kill 100 Creatures across all levels (Bronze)
Secret Stickerist - Unlock the race in First Steps (Bronze)
Sackbird - Spend 8 seconds or more in the air (Bronze)

Категория: PlayStation® 3 - Игры | Добавил: CoD (19.11.2008)
Просмотров: 1897 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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